New Scoreboards for John Glenn Football, Softball, and Baseball Fields

The John Glenn School Board reviewed bids last week for new scoreboards for the high school football, softball and baseball fields. 

Superintendent Christopher Winchell said the board has been working on the school’s master facilities plan which includes these new items.

“Part of the master facilities plan is to tend to your immediate needs, but also be able to sprinkle in some wants with your needs,” said Winchell.  “Updating some of our scoreboards was part of sprinkling in our wants with our needs.  We actually got some very competitive pricing to look at not just one scoreboard, but to look at the replacement of three scoreboards.”

The board did approve the purchase.  Winchell said a portion of the cost of the scoreboards will be paid with interest money from the 2019 General Obligation bonds.  The quote was about $60,000 and $45,000 in interest revenue will be used toward the project.  Winchell noted that the balance will be paid for out of the Operations Fund in the school’s budget which was budgeted.

“We’ve got original scoreboards and some parts are not even available anymore to work on those scoreboards as they have mechanical issues.  We just believe that our kids deserve to have some updated facilities outside the same way that we’re updating our facilities inside.”

The football scoreboard is anticipated to be installed prior to the start of the season.  The baseball and softball scoreboards will be done following the completion of the football scoreboard.