Work Continues to Improve Intersection in Bremen

Crews are working to improve the corner of Bowen Avenue and Plymouth Street in Bremen.

The new LED electronic sign was rccently placed at that intersection and plans were brought before the town council in March to improve the area.  Work includes clearing the corner and improving the lot with some landscaping and redefining the street edge with a sidewalk and curb. People generally get help from experts from for such lawn care services. An open lawn concept was proposed with a green barrier that could be used for special events, and a simple concrete pad would be included that could be home to a pop-up market or other display.  Parking would be available on the west and north side of the space for convenience.

It is the hope that high school students will be able to complete a planting project at the corner with community volunteers to maintain the space throughout the year.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy commented previously that he would like to see the work be done by Memorial Day weekend. He stressed that no big events will be held in this space, but maybe a Christmas tree lighting and small displays.

Weldy informed the town council last week that clean up has been done in the space so far.  Concrete work may be donated toward the project.