John Glenn School Corporation Experiences Uptick in COVID-19 Cases

A few students and school staff members were recently diagnosed with COVID-19 at John Glenn schools which led to the closure of several classes.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell told the John Glenn School Board members Tuesday night that a fourth grade class and three kindergarten classes at North Liberty Elementary School were shut down for safety reasons. 

He explained that there were not multiple positive cases, but contact tracing forced the shut down of those classes.  The teachers and students were disappointed with the closure, but it was in line with action plans.  Kindergarten students and teachers returned to in-school instruction Tuesday morning.

Winchell added that some positive cases were also found at the high school.  With contact tracing, it affected about 40 students. 

Even though the corporation is experiencing this small increase in cases, Winchell said all students and staff members are doing what they can to curb the spread of the virus.

“We’ve reminded our kids and our staff to continue to be vigilant,” commented Winchell.  “I don’t think there’s any need to panic at this moment.  This is no worse than a few of the other little blips that we’ve had over the school year, but we certainly want to continue to be extra careful.”

The administrative team will be taking a closer look at the importance of some activities to possibly delay them or create a different plan to host the event. 

Mobile clinics are anticipated at the school this week to assist in getting teachers and staff members vaccinated. 

High School Principal Chris Manering told MAX 98.3 FM News that commencement is planned for May 28 as an outdoor event this year which should go on as scheduled on the high school football field with a rain date of May 30.  Over 160 students will receive diplomas in just a few weeks.