Bourbon Town Council Reviews Fire Department Dispatch MOU

The Bourbon Town Council members reviewed a Memorandum of Understanding Tuesday night that would dispatch another fire department with the Bourbon Fire Department when responding to structure fires. 

Town Council President Ward Byers said the topic was initiated during a structure fire last week in Bourbon.

Byers commented, “I’ve had discussions with township trustees in Tippecanoe and Bourbon Townships and all are in agreement to do this Memorandum of Understanding that would trigger the Dispatch Center to automatically dispatch Bourbon and Tippecanoe Fire Departments on any reported structure fires within both jurisdictions, including the Town of Bourbon.”

Bourbon Fire Chief Mike Chapman indicated that he was in full support of the document. 

Councilman Les McFarland asked about how the town could be assured that this protocol would be followed.  Byers said it will be given to the town’s representative on the Marshall County Communications Committee and then given to the Marshall County Dispatch Center for information. The council members approved the paperwork with a unanimous vote.