Bremen Town Council to Consider Fingerprint Card Increase

The Bremen Town Council members will soon be presented with a resolution to increase the cost of fingerprint sessions at the Bremen Police Department.

The topic was first brought up during the council’s March 8 meeting.  Police Chief Brad Kile explained that the Bremen Police Department is one of only a few police departments in Northern Indiana who has officers who help residents with producing fingerprint hard cards.  He said certain places of employment require them and people come to the department from miles away to obtain the cards.  A lot of police departments can do laser fingerprints, but the Bremen Police Department can produce the hard cards.

The current fee is $5.00 and Kile suggested raising it to cover the time it takes the officer to come off patrol to do the work and the cost of materials.  

During the last council meeting, Town Attorney Anthony Wagner said he will present the council with a resolution that would raise the fee to $30.00 per session and $5.00 per extra card.  He said that fee is more in line with other departments.  The fee would be waived for residents who live within the town limits of Bremen.  

The resolution is expected to be presented to Bremen Town Council members at their April 12 meeting.