Bremen School Superintendent to Explore Possible Daycare Option

Bremen Public School Superintendent Dr. Jim White will be looking into the feasibility of implementing a daycare at the school corporation for employees with children up to the age of four.   

Dr .White presented the idea to the Bremen Public School Board members last week.  He was looking for support to dive into the concept a little further and bring information back to the board members in a future meeting for more discussion.

Dr. White said a questionnaire was sent out where a daycare seemed to be favored among staff members.  As a base number, Dr. White said there may be eight children who may benefit initially from a daycare at the school.  Its operation would run parallel to the school calendar to benefit staff members. 

He also noted that having a daycare at the school may also be an incentive for some staff members to stay employed as they will have an option for daycare and not see that as a struggle in the early stages of parenthood. 

The board members were receptive of the idea and asked the superintendent to have more information to present in a future meeting.  Dr White plans on gathering cost information, space, licensing, regulations, charges, and other pros and cons for the board’s consideration.