Timeline Set for Upcoming Bourbon Stellar Project

A timeline was recently set for the upcoming sanitary sewer improvement project for the Town of Bourbon.  It is one of the Stellar Communities projects outlined in the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Development Plan.

As part of the project, the south lift station pumps will be replaced and the east lift station will be abandoned for the installation of a wet well with new pumps and controls.  When that portion of the project is done, there may be an evaluation of the sewer lines.  A determination will be made at that time where slip lining could benefit the lines without having to completely install new lines.  A few manholes may also be replaced.

Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger told the Bourbon Town Council members Tuesday that grant writer Shannon McLeod from Priority Project Resources was to have the application in to the Office of Community and Rural Affairs on February 12.  The grant funding for the project is expected in the amount of $840,000. That money is already available for the project through the Stellar designation, but the Town still needs to go through the process of applying for the funds.  The town’s match will be $243,000.

The Town of Bourbon would then advertise for bids on March 22, open bids on April 22, with construction beginning on June 1. 

Berger noted that there is information pending concerning a piece of property near the current lift station by the Triton Community School Corporation.