John Glenn Schools Slightly Loosen COVID-19 Restrictions

John Glenn School Superintendent Christopher Winchell told the school board this week that a few COVID-19 restrictions were loosened a bit recently at the elementary schools with St. Joseph County in the yellow category on the state’s County Metrics map that measures community spread of the virus.

He commented that the students and staff have been successful with the use of masks and social distancing so a few minor procedures have changed. 

At the Elementary School, teachers will be allowed to change classrooms.  Teachers with instruction in different subjects have been doing so virtually while still in an in-person setting.

Winchell stressed that the change was discussed with the Health Department.  He said the experience has enriched the students. 

At Urey Middle School, the students will be passing classes in a very controlled manner to keep all students safe.  Winchell said if the action can be done in a responsible way, it may loosen up a little more. 

Activities could involve a 25 percent audience capacity, and officials are considering that change. 

Winchell said if the COVID numbers keep going in a downward trend, then more restrictions could be lifted under the direction of the Health Department.