Culver School Board Members Discuss 2021-2022 School Calendar

The 2021-2022 school calendar was brought up for consideration during Monday night’s Culver Community School Board meeting, but a question into a later start date to the school year prompted a lengthy discussion.

Superintendent Karen Shuman said the first day of school is August 11, 2021, with the last day for students May 26, 2022 and graduation on May 27, 2022.  She added if the school year started later  it could create some issues.

Shuman stated, “You want your first semester and second semester closely balanced and our teachers that teach dual credits have to end the semester before kids go on break.  The other factor is our vocational kids go to Knox and Knox is starting August 3.  Technically, our vocational kids know that they’re supposed to go ahead and go, so it’s a battle for that first two weeks of kids not wanting to go to their vocational programs.  We’re in a cooperative with Special Education and a cooperative with vocational programming so we try to balance those calendars as much as we can to prevent that.”

Shuman also updated the board on what other items are included in the school calendar in addition to fall break, Christmas break and spring break.

“Parent/Teacher Conferences will happen only at the Elementary School one day each semester.  The High School is going to do a parent log next school year where they make sure that each teacher is contacting each parent throughout the whole school year.  So, that’s a better practice than just trying go have one night open where all parents come.”

There will be one eLearning day in each semester to ensure that all students are connected and can participate in online classes should school be canceled.  Shuman also said eight times during the school year there would be a two-hour delay on Fridays so teachers can engage in more professional development.  The school board members approved the 2021-2022 school calendar as presented with a 4-1 vote with Mike Pazin opposed to the motion.