Bourbon Town Council Considers Resolution Regarding Towing Fee, SOP

It could cost a processing fee in order to retrieve a vehicle after a Bourbon Police Officer orders it to be towed. 

Bourbon Town Attorney Alex Hoover told the town council members at their recent meeting that Town Marshal Bill Martin and Councilman Les McFarland approached him about drafting a procedure and resolution for charging an administration fee after a vehicle is towed by an officer.

A person needing to get a car out of the impound lot would need to provide identification, a valid Driver’s License, insurance, and pay a $20 administration fee. 

McFarland stated that it would cover time spent on the process as well as provide safety for other drivers when these steps are taken. 

Town Council President Ward Byers said if an incident occurs over the weekend, cars are not typically ready to be released until Monday so the fee could be paid in the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office.  He said he preferred that the Clerk’s office handle the transaction as the staff members are bonded. 

The council members unanimously approved the first reading of the document and noted it would be advertised as there is a fee involved.