Bremen Town Council Approves Resolution to Appropriate Money for EMS Service

The Bremen Town Council adopted a resolution this week authorizing $142,277.62 to be utilized in funding the ambulance service for 2021. 

The State Board of Accounts issued a Memorandum last year that allowed the town to establish a separate fund for COVID-19 assistance and the town council members asked for reimbursement of public health and safety costs with CARES Act money.  Those costs were receipted into the fund and then transferred to the General Fund for those payroll costs.  An additional appropriation ordinance authorizes that money to be spent out of the General Fund for other services and charges, and a subsequent resolution authorizes those expenses to be used on ambulance services in 2021. 

Additionally, the ordinance concerning additional appropriations also allows $94,382.91 in MVH funds to be spent for other services and charges.

The ordinance and resolution were both adopted with unanimous votes.