Plymouth City Council Approves Transfer, Encumbrances

The Plymouth City Council members reviewed a request from Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt to transfer funds in order to make repairs to a bucket truck. 

Marquardt explained that a recent safety inspection found some issues which needed to be addressed.  With what needed to be done, Marquardt stated that there was not enough money in his budget to get the materials. 

He asked the council to take money out of the insurance line item in the personnel budget and move it to repairs to cover the costs.  Parts will be ordered once the money is transferred.  Marquardt commented that he’d rather get the parts now rather than have his budget suffer this cost in 2021. 

The council unanimously approved the transfer of $28,000 with a unanimous vote. 

Additionally, the council approved a motion to allow Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver to make year-end transfers as needed within the budget, along with encumbrances from the 2020 budget to the 2021 budget to cover outstanding purchase orders. 

A resolution was also unanimously passed that moves $750,000 from the General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund.