John Glenn School Board Approves Administrative Contracts

The John Glenn School Board members reviewed proposed administrative contracts Tuesday night that would be retroactive to July 1, 2020.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell explains that two-year contracts for the building principals were settled following the successful negotiation of the teacher contracts.

“The principals will receive a $700 raise to their base and also a one-time $500 stipend,” stated Winchell.  “There is also a principal contract addendum and it just documents the additional benefits that the administrators have received here over time.”

Winchell commented that the raises are in line with what was negotiated with the teacher contracts. 

Winchell also asked to give Business Manager Tom Bendy an additional five vacation days for a total of 15 vacation days a year.    

Winchell explained, “Mr. Bendy is in a unique position because he is not a licensed teacher, but he is our chief financial officer.  He has been falling under our Non-Certified Classified Staff Handbook.  He’s only had 10 vacation days per that handbook and those 10 vacation days really don’t align with his level of responsibility and his year-long job responsibility.”

The board approved the administrative contracts and the additional vacation days for Tom Bendy with a unanimous vote.