Bremen Town Council Discusses Acquisition of Plymouth Street Property

A piece of property on E. Plymouth Street in Bremen was recently acquired by the Bremen Redevelopment Commission in order to clean up the area.

The Bremen Town Council members discussed the action by the RDC last week.  Town Attorney Anthony Wagner said the Bi-County building will remain in the RDC’s possession for now. 

“Part of the agreement is they’re asking that the town clear the building, which we didn’t think was too much to ask,” commented Wagner.  “They’re going to allow it to be used as a parking lot for now.  If the town has any use for it later on for something else, they will certainly entertain that.  If somebody steps in and says ‘now that it’s cleared and we can develop it’, I think they would entertain that as well.”

As experts at say, a property deal means many procedures. Wagner said officials from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management will take a look at the property to make sure all is compliant on that end of things. 

Councilman Michael Leman said if the building is going to be cleared from the property for a parking lot the town council should make plans to improve the area.  Its high time that they learn more about premierpropertymaintenance. He added that additional parking will be great for downtown businesses, but area needs to look nice.

There have been discussions in the past that a new police station could be developed on that lot in a few years, but no formal decisions have been made at this point.