Bourbon Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Wastewater Project

The Bourbon Town Council members opened a public hearing Tuesday night to take public comments on the proposed improvements to the town’s Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Shannon McLeod from Priority Project Resources explained that this project is part of the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Initiative Regional Development Plan.  An application to the Office of Community and Rural Affairs will be sent in December for funding of the project in the amount of $840,000. That money is already available for the project through the Stellar designation, but the Town still needs to go through the process of applying for the funds.  The town’s match will be $243,000. 

McLeod noted that sewer rates will not increase as a result of this project as the town is not borrowing any money for the project. 

As part of the project, McLeod said the south lift station pumps will be replaced and the east lift station will be abandoned for the installation a wet well with new pumps and controls.

“Additionally, after we get those two major items out of the way, we’re hoping that we’ll have a little money left over to start addressing some of the actual sewer lines themselves,” commented McLeod. 

When the evaluation of the sewer lines is complete, a determination will be made where slip lining could benefit the lines without having to completely install new lines.  A few manholes may also be replaced. 

The project will go out to bid at the beginning of 2021 with construction to begin once warm weather breaks in the spring. 

There were no public comments given during the hearing.  A second public hearing is scheduled during the council’s next meeting in December.