Bourbon Town Council Enacts Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration

The Bourbon Town Council members enacted a Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration Monday afternoon.

Town Council President Ward Byers said the declaration makes the town eligible for any state or federal relief funding assistance.  He said other provisions are included in the declaration including the rental of town-owned facilities involving the Matchett Event Center and park pavilions, and actions by employees and volunteers. 

“The number of individuals in attendance will be limited based upon state guidance,” explained Byers.  “Employees and volunteers of the Town of Bourbon are encouraged to do a daily self assessment of their health, report any illnesses to their superior immediately and should they exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms.  This order would be effective at 12:01 p.m. November 16, 2020, and will expire seven days after, but its effectiveness may be extended by acts of the town council.”

The declaration was approved with a unanimous vote.