Additional COVID-19 Deaths Reported in Tri-County Area

Four more residents have died from COVID-19 in the tri-county area and case numbers continue to increase.

Pulaski County had two more deaths in Tuesday’s report from the Indiana Department of Health and nine additional COVID-19 cases.  Starke County and Marshall County had one additional death in each county.  Starke County had eight new cases in Tuesday’s report while Marshall County had 28 new cases. 

Pulaski County is up to 212 overall cases, Marshall County increased to 1,723 total cases and Starke County increased to 558 total cases. 

Patients are in varying stages of fighting the virus and recovering from the virus.  A total of 48 people in the tri-county area have died from COVID-19.

The Indiana Department of Health announced that another 2,951 people in the state have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and 50 more people in the state have died from the novel coronavirus. 

Other statistics can be found on the state’s coronavirus website at