Triton School Board Adopts 2021 Budget

The Triton School Board members reviewed the 2021 budget, Bus Replacement Plan, and Capital Projects Plans on Monday night.

The Debt Service Fund was advertised as $974,503, the Education Fund is at nearly $5.5 million and the Operations Fund is just over $3.6 million for a total budget of a little more than $10 million. 

In the corporation’s Bus Replacement Plan, two buses will be purchased in each year from 2021 to 2025.  In 2021, a 2009 Thomas and 2010 International buses will be replaced. 

In the Capital Projects Plan, several building projects are listed that includes new floor tile tuck pointing, ceiling tile replacement, an electrical upgrade, construction of secure entrances and asphalt maintenance totaling about $540,000.  A new mower in the amount of $12,000 is also listed. 

In addition to the budget, Superintendent Jeremy Riffle said another document was considered. 

“It was an appropriation reduction resolution which allows Mr. McFarland, our business manager, and myself to make adjustments when the State sends that back and says we have to cut so many dollars,” stated Riffle. 

All budget and accompanying documents were adopted by the school board.