John Glenn School Board Finalizes Paperwork for Building Projects

The John Glenn School Board members took action Tuesday night to approve several documents to finalize financing for a number of upgrades at the North Liberty Elementary School.

The project includes new HVAC units and controls, exhaust fans, new LED ballasts and lighting, switches in the gym, new exterior light poles, electrical panels, exterior windows, occupancy controls which help regulate energy costs, emergency lighting, a secured entry, and installation of solar panels.  New windows at the Walkerton Elementary School would also be included in the scope of this project.

These renovations come at a recommendation of a corporation-wide facilities study completed by Barton Coe Vilamaa.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell explained that a public hearing was required to gather public comments on the lease rental bonds and an additional appropriation resolution in order to have permission to spend the $1.2 million in bond money to pay for the projects. 

“We’re going to be funding that though lease rental bonds,” stated Winchell.  “Our school corporation has done this in the past. For that to happen, the school corporation and the building corporation have to produce a lease between each other.  We will be leasing a portion of the North Liberty Elementary School that includes the auxiliary gym and then all of the outside property.  All of that together has been estimated and appraised at a value of $1.2 million.”

No public comments were given during the public hearing. 

The board members then unanimously approved the lease agreement, the additional appropriation resolution, a resolution assigning construction bids and contracts to the Building Corporation, and a resolution for the first supplement to master continuing disclosure undertaking and issuing bonds.