Bourbon Town Council Member Resigns

PJ Hanley

After serving a decade on the Bourbon Town Council, PJ Hanley officially submitted his resignation during the Bourbon Town Council meeting Tuesday night.

Hanley noted that it was not an easy decision, but when he was called back to work with a different position, he found that it will require more of his time away from town business.

“This position deserves somebody that is going to be more involved and not just come to a monthly meeting and I’m at that spot right now that I cannot give that time,” stated Hanley. “The Town of Bourbon, the people, they voted for somebody to do that.  I can’t give that to them.  I think it’s only right that I step aside and allow a new face to get up here and get involved with new ideas.”

He commented that he’s enjoyed his time as a Bourbon Town Councilman and thanked several people for helping him along the way.  He also expressed his appreciation to the town employees for their efforts. 

Council President Ward Byers presented Hanley with a plague thanking him for his dedicated service to the Town of Bourbon and Councilman Les McFarland offered words of gratitude. 

“On behalf of the Town of Bourbon, and its people, we want to say thank you and present you with this very small token of our appreciation.  Thank you!” stated Byers.

“That’s awesome! Thank you very much!” responded Hanley. 

“I just want to say I appreciate and thank you for your service to the Town,” added McFarland.

“Thank you,” said Hanley. 

Ward, Byers, PJ Hanley and Les McFarland

Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger commented that she enjoyed working with Hanley and he was a calming force on the council. 

A Republican Party caucus will be held in the near future to select Hanley’s replacement.