Argos Town Council Reviews EMS, Fire Department Fee Ordinances

The Argos Town Council members took a look at ordinances last week that outline fees associated with responses by the fire department and EMS. 

The ordinance pertaining to emergency services by the fire department notes that services will be more in line with area fire services and it will help keep the fire service operational. 

For initial response with a fire engine, fire truck or apparatus, it will be $250 per response vehicle except for a command/control vehicle, which is $100 per vehicle.  For each hour there is on-scene assistance, it will be $150 per response and $50 per command/control vehicle. 

Replacement costs of materials used in cleanup operations will be added, if necessary.

It will be $50 for a third false alarm call, $100 for a fourth false alarm call, and $200 for fifth and additional false alarm calls per calendar year. 

Lift assists will be $50. 

To reflect the rising cost of EMS services and to help keep the ambulance service operational, an ordinance outlining fees was presented to the town council. 

For EMS, non-emergency calls for residents in the Town of Argos and Green and Walnut Township residents will be $300, BLS resident emergency $475, BLS non-resident emergency $500, ALS 1 resident $550, ALS non-resident $575, ALS 2 resident $775, ALS 2 non-resident $800.  Oxygen is $15, treatment with no transport is $100, lift assist is $50 and the mileage rate is $13 per mile.  Narcan will be $100 per dose. 

The ordinances were unanimously passed on first reading by the Argos Town Council at their last meeting.  They will consider additional readings at their next meeting on Wednesday, October 21.