John Glenn Students to Return to in-Person Instruction September 29

Students in the John Glenn School Corporation will be headed back to the classroom on Tuesday, September 29. 

The return to full-time, in-person instruction is dependent on the continued low spread of COVID-19 in the area. 

The “green phase” of the back-to-school plan will be operational on September 29 which means that school buildings are open to staff and students with additional cleaning, safety, and protective measures in place.  Teachers will provide instruction based on a traditional schedule.  Students who have opted to continue with virtual learning may continue with that plan.  Technology will be used to help these students on a virtual basis. 

Students are encouraged to continue a regular hand washing regimen, social distancing and wear a face covering at school.  If a student does not feel well or is running a fever, that student should stay home from school.  Conduct a symptom check before heading out for the school day. 

For more information, contact the school corporation at 574-586-3129.