Bremen Public School Board Reviews Budget Information

The Bremen Public School Board members reviewed budget information at their meeting this month.

Treasurer Stephanie Pittman presented information to the board about the 2021 budget and she noted that the only big change is the referendum budget.  She stressed that the information had to be provided in the budget in the event the referendum question passes on the November General Election Ballot.  If the referendum fails, it will simply not be funded and will have no effect on the budget as advertised.

The Education Fund, which holds salaries and benefits for personnel is estimated at $8.9 million with the Operations Fund at $4.2 million.  The referendum budget is around $350,000.  The Debt Service Fund is about $1.4 million.  The total budget is just over $15 million. 

The board members unanimously approved a motion for Pittman to advertise the budget. 

The public hearing on the budget is set for Wednesday, October 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Bremen High School Media Center at 511 W. Grant Street.   The budget is anticipated to be adopted at the school board’s regular meeting on Wednesday, October 21.