Plymouth School Board Reviews School Reopening Plan

The Plymouth Community School Board reviewed the corporation’s reopening plan when they met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Andy Hartley said school will start on Aug. 12 and students will begin the year virtually through Aug. 21.  An in-person return to instruction will come later in the month.

“We did set the return date for Aug. 24 and that was at the recommendation of the Health Department as well in order to watch the data as it trends in a positive direction when it comes to the community spread of the virus in our community,” stated Hartley.  “It also establishes a hopeful date to provide some hope for those that wish to have their kids return to school in person and that we will be able to do so.”

If there are changes made, school officials will communicate those as soon as possible. 

School Board member Larry Pinkerton expressed his concern about the mental and psychological effects of students and special needs students. 

Pinkerton stated, “I think it is so important to get these kids in school.  I want them to be safe and I want the teachers to be safe but I think they’re really hurt because they can’t be in school.  I hope it works out on the 24th.”

Hartley said he has confidence in the Plymouth community that the spread of COVID-19 will slow and everyone can return to school in a safe manner. 

He commended all of the staff, the Marshall County Health Department, the board members and the Teacher’s Association for working together to make decisions necessary for the safety of the students and staff.