Local Counties See Small Increase in COVID-19 Cases

There were only a few new cases of COVID-19 reported in the area, according to Saturday’s report from the Indiana State Department of Health.

Marshall County had an increase of three cases for a new cumulative total of 774, Starke County had one additional positive COVID-19 case for a new overall total of 177, and Pulaski County had three new cases for a total of 79. 

Patients are in varying stages of fighting the virus and recovering from the virus. 

No additional local deaths were reported but the state saw an increase of 13 deaths from Friday’s report for a total of 2,834.  Deaths are reported based on when data is received by the Indiana State Department of Health and occurred over multiple days.  

The state saw an increase of 1,036 cases of COVID-19 through testing at the Indiana State Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and private laboratories for a state cumulative total of 73,287. 

Drive-thru COVID-19 testing is available for residents on Saturday Aug. 8 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET at the Plymouth Wesleyan Church.  Testing is free.