John Glenn School Board to Move Forward with North Liberty Renovation, Construction Projects

Photo provided by Principal Randy Romer

The John Glenn School Board members held a public hearing Tuesday night concerning a proposed renovation project at the North Liberty Elementary School.

The renovations would include new HVAC units and controls, exhaust fans, new LED ballasts and lighting, switches in the gym, new exterior light poles, electrical panels, exterior windows, occupancy controls which helps regulate energy costs, emergency lighting, a secured entry, and installation of solar panels.  New windows at the Walkerton Elementary School would also be included in the scope of this project.

These renovations come at a recommendation of a corporation-wide facilities study completed by Barton Coe Vilamaa. 

The school board will finance $3.3 million for the renovations with a 15-year lease option.  Todd Samuelson from Baker Tilly recommended the repayment option that may have a little impact on taxes.

Samuelson stated, “If you have an increase in the assessed valuation as corporation had last year, at this financing structure, it would come either at a lesser tax rate impact or no tax rate impact to the constituents based on assessed value.” 

If the tax rate would come into play, it would be just under $18.00 a year on a $100,000 property for 15 years, depending on the assumed level of the market value of the homestead property. 

There were no comments from anyone in the public.

Following the public hearing the school board members approved a project resolution, a resolution determining the need for the project and a resolution declaring the official intent to reimburse expenditures.  All three resolutions passed with a unanimous vote, the first action of new school board member Ryan Knowlton who was sworn into office Tuesday night. 

The solar energy project is anticipated to begin this fall, while the other renovations will likely occur next year.