Argos Town Council Reviews Proposed Concepts for Downtown Square

Argos officials review elements in the design by The Troyer Group

Three concepts of what the Argos Downtown Square would look like were presented to the Argos Town Council members last week.

Mike Reese from The Troyer Group presented the colored renderings to the council that features a train depot building that can be rented for community or private events, a performance stage, downtown plaza, feature elements, Farmer’s Market space, flex use lawn space, lounge chairs, proposed parking improvements and sidewalks.

This is the concept that widely appealed to council members. They would like to see a gateway arch added to this design

The council commented that they had one concept that appealed the most to them, but a gateway arch was one feature they would like to add to the proposal that they liked the most. 

The park board members made the same comments the following evening after the presentation given by The Troyer Group. 

The design was not formally approved.  A more solid plan will be presented for final approval soon. 

The Argos Downtown Square project will be located at the corner of E. Walnut St. and S. Michigan St. and is a part of the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Communities Initiative.  Grant dollars with a local match will help pay for the improvement of the site in the near future.