Schools Preparing for the New School Year

Many schools are welcoming students back today for extra-curricular activities and co-curricular activities while making final plans for the upcoming school year. 

The school superintendents in all of the Marshall County school systems have been collaborating with the Marshall County Health Department and the Saint Joseph Health System to provide the best practices moving forward for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Schools are moving forward with a school calendar as previously approved by each school board for their corporation. 

Each student and staff member will be expected to self-screen at home for symptoms of COVID-19.  If any person is sick, that person will need to stay at home.  They will not be able to return until they are fever free for 72 hours.  If the fever is related to a positive case of COVID-19, that person will need to stay home for 14 days. 

If a staff member or student has an immediate family member or household member that is COVID-19 positive, that staff member or student’s guardian must notify the school and self-isolate for 14 days. 

Perfect attendance awards and incentives are now discontinued. 

Each school corporation will require staff and students to have masks where certain instances will require a mask to be worn, especially when social distancing is not possible. 

Schools will allow the use of water fountains to fill up water bottles and everyone will be expected to wash their hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. 

School officials will designate an isolation area for symptomatic students, cafeteria schedules will be adjusted to adhere to safety guidelines, and greater restrictions will be made with those visiting schools for any purpose. 

For specific questions regarding a school’s guidelines, reach out to that corporation for clarification.