Plymouth Community School Corporation Updates Reopening Plan

Students at the Plymouth Community School Corporation will begin the school year virtually.

After meeting with the Marshall County Health Department, the corporation is following the recommendation from health officials to slow the start of in-person instruction. 

Superintendent Andy Hartley said Thursday that students will start the school year virtually on Aug. 12 which will continue until at least Aug. 21.  Hartley noted in-person instruction could start on Aug. 24.  Those students who have already registered for the virtual option will remain in that capacity at that time. 

Hartley stated that officials will keep reviewing COVID-19 data.  As that analysis continues, more adjustments may be made concerning the delivery of instruction.  A hybrid model could be implemented that includes some eLearning along with in-person instruction, but that will be determined as officials watch the data. 

Extracurricular activities may continue as they have been operating. 

More updates will be provided as they become available.