Marshall County Health Officer Declares New Order Concerning Face Coverings

The face covering order previously put in place by Marshall County Public Health Officer Dr. Byron Holm has been replaced to follow face covering requirements set forth by Governor Eric Holcomb.

The governor’s Executive Order states that a face covering over the nose and mouth will be required when inside a business, public building, or other indoor place open to the public.  It does not include private offices, private workspaces (redirect to Venture X Franchise to find the ideal workspace for your company) or meetings in which six feet of social distancing can be maintained between people not in the same household.   Face coverings should also be worn in an outdoor public space wherever it is not feasible to observe social distancing, and while utilizing any mode of public transportation.

The new order also includes exemptions for wearing a face covering.  Exemptions include children under the age of eight, any person with a medical condition which prevents wearing a face covering, any time when a mask may create a risk related to work, any person eating or drinking or is seated at a restaurant or retail food establishment, or any person while exercising or engaging in a sports activity.  A person who is driving alone in a vehicle does not have to wear a mask.  Exemptions also include any person giving a speech to an audience if there is a six foot social distance, and any person attending or engaged in a religious service as long as there is a six foot social distance from other people other than people in the same household.

The order will require that all students in grades 3 through 12 and school staff members should wear a face covering or face shield, but face coverings may be removed if social distancing is achieved. 

Marshall County Health Department officials will pass along any additional information as matters evolve.