Marshall County Health Department Issues COVID-19 Information

Officials at the Marshall County Health Department want everyone to stay safe during the pandemic.  If someone is diagnosed with COVID-19, or exposed to COVID-19, there are ways to keep others safe.

A COVID-19 patient will be asked to isolate themselves from others to limit the risk of exposure.  A person who has been exposed to COVID-19 will be asked to quarantine to keep COVID-19 away from others. 

Marshall County Health Administrator Ashley Garcia asks that those who feel healthy but had close contact with a person with COVID-19 to quarantine.  Stay home until 14 days after your last exposure, check temperature twice a day and watch for symptoms of COVID-19. 

Those diagnosed with COVID-19 or are awaiting test results are asked to stay home until symptoms have improved.  Stay home a minimum of 10 days or until the symptoms have passed and have had three days with no fever without the use of medicine. 

If a person has tested positive for COVID-19 but has no symptoms, stay home until after 10 days have passed since the positive test and stay away from household members that are at higher risk of vulnerability.