Maintenance Director Asks Marshall County Council for Project Funds

Marshall County Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Director Doug Masterson asked the County Council this week for additional money to complete some projects this year. 

Masterson explained that some sidewalk work needs to be done east of the patio project at the Marshall County Courthouse, and curbing and some sidewalk work needs to be done around the Marshall County Building.

The sidewalk east of the Courthouse to the stop sign is in bad condition and needs to be replaced up to the stop sign, according to Masterson. 

He added that the outside doors at the County Building are difficult to open and close and the ADA function no longer operates so they need to be replaced.  Touchless, sliding doors were recommended but Masterson said replacement parts would be costly.  However, he could look into a quote. 

The curb is crumbling on the west side of the County Building and other concrete areas adjacent to the building are disintegrating and pulling away from the building which could cause water issues.  He recommended replacing all of that. 

At last week’s commissioners’ meeting, Masterson said he thought it would cost about $132,000 for all of the work, but the council asked Masterson to present the quotes separately.  Funding will be considered at the council’s next meeting in August.