Plymouth School Officials Looking Toward Next School Year

The Indiana Department of Education sent information to school corporations last Friday pertaining to guidance in order to open schools for instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. Officials at the Plymouth Community School Corporation will be reviewing that information to tailor it to the needs of students and staff there. 

The information from the state presents guidance for classroom operation and other activities throughout the school day which each school will dissect with local health officials in order to welcome students and staff safely.

Plymouth Community School Superintendent Andy Hartley said they’re already beginning conversations to make those decisions.

“We have begun collaborating with the Marshall County Health Department and the other Marshall County schools just to get those structures in place,” said Hartley.  “We’ll go through the guidance of the state once we receive it.  We’re working to the degree that we can and as soon as we have it all figured out and prepared we’ll communicate that.”

Schools may reopen on July 1, according to the Indiana State Department of Education.