Marshall County Treasurer’s Office Certifies Tax Collection

Marshall County Treasurer Angie Birchmeier said her office has received about 90 percent of property taxes so far which is about normal, despite the effects of COVID-19.

About $28 million was collected up to the May deadline for property taxes.  Those paying non-escrow property taxes have until July 10 to pay without a penalty.  Payments can be made in the Treasurer’s Office, by mail, by credit card online, or utilizing the drop box available in the county building. 

Units of government, libraries and schools that rely on tax money will see a distribution in June.  There may be another distribution in August with the delay in collection until July 10. 

Birchmeier commented that about $1 million has been collected already toward the fall tax collection which will be distributed in December. 

Marshall County Auditor Julie Fox commented during the commissioners’ meeting on Monday morning that she’s proud of the citizens of Marshall County in stepping up and making sure their taxes were paid on time.  She said it was important especially during this time of uncertainty.