Marshall County 4-H Fair Canceled, Virtual Fair Planned

The Marshall County 4-H Council and the Marshall County 4-H Fair Board came to the conclusion this week to cancel this year’s 4-H Fair. 

According to Marshall County 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator Kelsey Guardarrama, officials looked at all of the stipulations in the governor’s Back on Track Plan, worked with officials from the Marshall County Health Department, and reviewed guidelines set by Purdue Extension.  However, they found it would not be financially feasible to host the fair, especially with the limitation of vendors, parking passes, and other sources of income to maintain social distancing requirements. 

They are still working on producing a virtual fair to allow 4-H participants a chance to showcase their efforts.  4-H officials are also looking at options to recognize 10-year members.

More information on these topics will be released in the near future.