Nearly 650 More Hoosiers Diagnosed with COVID-19

The Indiana State Department of Health announced Thursday that 646 additional residents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at the Indiana State Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and private laboratories.  The state’s total is now 33,068. 

Marshall County reported 80 total positive cases which was unchanged from Wednesday’s numbers.  Pulaski County reported 41 total positive cases which is an increase of one from Wednesday’s report and Starke County reported one additional case to bring the total to 32.   Patients are in varying stages of fighting the virus and recovering from the virus. 

Starke County has reported three total deaths from COVID-19 and Marshall County has one reported death. 

The total number of Hoosiers who have died of COVID-19 is now 1,907 with an increase of 37 from Wednesday’s report from the Indiana State Department of Health.