The Town of Culver was named one of the top ten U.S. cities for its commitment to prioritize residents who walk and to create safe, comfortable, inviting places to walk.
Culver received a Silver level recognition. Bloomington was another Indiana location to receive designation at a Bronze level. Locations in North Carolina, Massachusetts, Virginia, Missouri, and Illinois also made the national list.
The Walk Friendly Communities program, sponsored by FedEx, was developed to encourage cities and towns across the United States to develop and support walking environments with an emphasis on safety, mobility, access and comfort. It recognizes communities that lead the way in walkability, and allows stories to be shared to inspire other communities to step up efforts.
The program is managed by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center. Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist stated that the town is honored to receive this designation and thanks the Culver Plan Commission, Culver Town Council, Culver Redevelopment Commission, MACOG, Indiana State Department of Health, Troyer Group, Park Superintendent Amber Cowell, and interns Cole Payne and Justin Lazaro in helping to make this happen.