Plymouth RDC, City Council Approves Funds for COVID-19 Relief

In joint meeting Monday night, members of the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission and the Plymouth City Council approved funds for COVID-19 relief.

The $100,000 in COVID-19 relief funds will come from the Redevelopment Commission’s Tax Incremental Funds in TIF #2.  The logistics of how that money will be divided up to assist Plymouth residents and business owners is still being determined through the United Way of Marshall County and the Marshall County Community Foundation.  A committee of members will decide how to move forward once guidelines are put together and reviewed by the Plymouth City Council and Plymouth Redevelopment Commission.

City officials want to support non-profit organizations in the county which extends to the residents, but also be a support to Plymouth businesses with the effects of COVID-19. 

There will be a business application process for those seeking funds to ensure other avenues of assistance were exhausted, but that will be discussed by committee members.