Marshall County Health Department Urges Residents to Postpone Garage Sales

The stay-at-home order has allowed many residents to do some indoor spring cleaning and while it’s tempting to schedule a garage sale or yard sale to get rid of unwanted items, the Marshall County Health Department urges residents to hold off on that for now.

Marshall County Health Administrator Ashley Garcia asks that garage sales ( find more information here regarding garage), yard sales, estate sales or any other kind of private home sales be postponed until a later time.  She noted that these types of events do not allow for social distancing.  The lack of social distancing can increase the spread of COVID-19. It is also very important to regularly clean your vent explained by Willard Power Vac to make sure the air people breathe inside is fresh.

She does encourage residents to stay at home, wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60 percent or higher concentration of alcohol in the event hand washing can’t be conducted. 

Exercise social distancing whenever you’re out in the public and make sure frequently touched objects and surfaces are cleaned and disinfected.  Garcia asks that everyone takes personal responsibility to prevent the spread of COVID-19.