Marshall County Auditor Says Tax Distributions Will Occur in June

Tax distributions will be made to units in June. 

Marshall County Auditor Julie Fox said in a press briefing on Thursday that the tax distribution will be made in the regular timeframe in June.  She said Marshall County taxpayers are “good” in paying property taxes on time and getting payments in by the deadline on May 11. 

There could be a mid-season distribution with the deadline extension given to non-escrow property taxpayers to mid-July.  The mid-season distribution would be in August or September, but more will be known once the regular May 11 tax deadline date passes to determine that distribution. 

Fox wants to be sure that all units are operating in the black.  She encourages residents to pay taxes on time in order to help the schools, libraries, municipalities, townships and other units continue to function. 

She commented that revenues are looking good right now, but there could be a more significant effect in 2021. 

Treasurer Angie Birchmeier said a lot of people paying property taxes are paying for the entire year instead of making installment payments due in April and November.  As of Thursday, about $7.2 million was collected to far.  A typical spring collection total is anywhere from $25 million to $30 million.