John Glenn School Board Opens Bids for Paving Projects

The John Glenn School Board held a public bid opening on Tuesday afternoon for paving projects at the school corporation.

The school board sought quotes to repave the parking lots at the John Glenn High School and Administration Building, Walkerton Elementary School, Urey Middle School, and North Liberty Elementary School.

E&B Paving submitted a base bid of $597,483 while Rieth-Riley Construction Co. submitted a base bid of $518,949, and Walsh and Kelly, Inc. submitted a bid of $584,000. 

Alternate bids were given for some extra work at the Walkerton Elementary School parking lot, curb replacement at all schools, and remove existing grass islands in the parking lot at Urey Middle School.  If the recommendation is to move forward with any of those alternate bids, the overall price would increase.  A recommendation is expected to be provided to the school board members for approval at their May 5 meeting. 

The school board is anticipated to use the money from November’s bond sale to fund these projects.