Food Pantries Seeking Assistance

In this trying time, residents are seeking assistance for many needs, much of which falls upon local food pantries.  Those in charge of food panties are seeing a steep increase in demand and are asking for the public’s help for donations. 

Officials from the Culver Community Food Pantry and Culver Blessings in a Backpack are asking for distribution help and fund donations to ensure residents can receive the food and basic items needed to get through this unsure time.

The Culver Town Council recently committed $2,500 to help the Culver Community Food Pantry and Culver Blessings in a Backpack in their quest to assist the community in this time of need.  There is a goal to reach another $2,500 by April 10. 

The hours of Culver Community Food Pantry are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET on Tuesdays at the Grace United Church at 307 N. Plymouth in Culver.  To make arrangements outside of this schedule, call 574-341-9525.  Monetary donations can be made by mailing them to the physical address of the church. 

The Blessings in a Backpack program provides food to kids in need over the weekend when they don’t have access to school meals.  Current organization officials are doubling the bags they pack each week.  They provide about 350 meals to Culver Community School students across four counties.  To make a donation, visit and designate Culver Community Schools as the recipient. 

Donations to the Neighborhood Center in Plymouth can be delivered to the back of the building in the alley and placed in a cart there.  Director Christine Garner said workers there will take the necessary precautions to ensure safety of workers against COVID-19.  An online order form for clients is available by accessing the Neighborhood Center’s Facebook page.  Orders are being filled every day, but a pick up time should be included on the order form to complete the process.