Bremen Town Council Members Review Workplace Safety Resolution

The Bremen Town Council members reviewed a resolution Monday afternoon that pertains to workplace safety in the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office.

Clerk-Treasurer Janet Anglemyer told the council members in a virtual meeting that there is a staff member in her office who isn’t comfortable working in an environment where social distancing is difficult.  Anglemyer said the work space is small and added that the office is closed to the public.  She wants to consider the health and safety of her employees while in the office. 

The resolution authorizes Anglemyer to split the shifts of her employees while maintaining the flow of essential functions at a social distance.  The employees will still be paid regular hours for a full week.  The resolution may be withdrawn by action of the town council or at the termination of the Public Health Disaster Emergency Declaration. 

The town council members approved the resolution with a unanimous vote.