Bourbon Town Council to Move Forward with Water Meter Purchase

The Bourbon Town Council members will be moving forward with the purchase of water meters.

Town Council President Ward Byers told the council in a meeting Tuesday night that he talked with Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger about the revenue outlook for the rest of this year and next year due to COVID-19.  He said they both agreed that finances look good in order to move on with a seven-year loan to purchase all new water meters and meter reading system for the town.  He commented that interest rates are low so the process should move forward. 

Town Council member Les McFarland said that it’s important to update the meters as some of the meters can’t be read at Town Hall. 

Berger and Town Attorney Alex Hoover will be completing and submitting the paperwork for the loan of about $170,000 for the project. 

The council unanimously voted to continue with the plans and to purchase the water meters.