Schools Working Hard to Distribute Food to Students

Schools in Marshall County are working hard to deliver needed meals to students while school is closed due to concerns surrounding COVID-19.

Bremen Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Jim White said Thursday that about 240 meals were delivered on the first day of meal deliveries for students at the corporation.  The school provides lunches to all Bremen students 18 and under free of charge.  A form is available on the school’s website to sign up or call 574-546-3554.

Argos Community School Superintendent Ned Speicher said the staff is doing what they can to help spread the threat of coronavirus.

“We set up a transportation system to deliver lunches to our students,” commented Speicher.  “We also have the main high school lobby open for pick-up of lunches and ‘come-and-go’.  So, we’re trying to feed people and trying to reach out.”

Speicher continued, “The other thing is we are working diligently to sterilize and disinfect the whole school and our school buses and everything.  We’re locking the rooms down and give them time to rest just to make sure that when we can open up again they will be clean and they will be safe – all of our equipment, all of the surfaces, and all of our rooms.”

John Glenn School Superintendent Christopher Winchell said “grab-and-go” and bus delivery meals are being provided daily which include lunch for the day and breakfast for the next morning.  Winchell commented that 450 daily meal packs are available to students daily.  Five buses go to 22 bus stop locations and many individual locations to ensure meals are delivered.  Sanitation of the buses and the kitchen areas is taking place daily. 

All three superintendents thanked all involved in making this a reality.