Marshall County Sheriff Announces Changes due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel announced a few changes to procedures at the Sheriff’s Department that are directly related to slowing the spread of COVID-19.

Hassel says that on-site visits with inmates have been suspended including meetings with attorneys, probation, Bowen Center, GED classes, and others. All of the visits will be done electronically. 

Court hearings will be done electronically, and all transports from other facilities for court appearances have been suspended. 

Inmates that are booked into the Marshall County Jail will have their temperature taken and further examined for any signs of COVID-19.  Inmates will remain in booking for 14 days until moved into the general population. 

In addition, all shift supervisors will send home any employee that they believe may be ill.

Officers have been asked not to incarcerate a violator if the offense is a nonviolent minor offense where a long-form arrest can be pursued or a ticket written.  Hassel noted that the courts have suspended the incarceration of residents who may have a civil warrant only. 

For more information, call 574-936-3187.