Marshall County Election Board Approves Pandemic Plan

The Marshall County Election Board members took action Tuesday morning to approve a COVID-19 Pandemic Plan. 

Clerk Deb VanDeMark gave the board members a plan to address COVID-19 for the May Primary Election.

“We have Clorox wipes already purchased and I’ve got enough for all of the Vote Centers so they can continually wipe down all of the equipment, and take breaks to wash their hands with soap and water,” explained VanDeMark.  “We need to have some cross training in case we have a shortage of workers.”

VanDeMark anticipates an increase in mail ballots if voters decide they don’t want to go to the polls to vote.  The workers handling the absentee ballots are asked to open them with letter openers and keep hands away from the face.  Absentee ballots will be mailed this week. 

At the 12 Vote Centers currently in place, there will be extra trash receptacles for any used antibacterial wipes used.  Poll workers will be allowed to use gloves if requested. 

If there happens to be a shortage of poll workers, there are state guidelines that allow the Election Board to reduce the number of Vote Centers.  The county plan must provide for at least one Vote Center for 10,000 voters so the county would provide at least three Vote Centers if an emergency exists.  That decision can be made hours prior to the opening of the polls on Election Day. 

As far as the Travel Board, VanDeMark said they’re still waiting to see what will happen with the visitation restriction at nursing homes.

“I don’t know if they’re going to ask their residents to ask for paper ballots.  We don’t know if we’re going to be dropping them off…as you know we have to send a team with a Republican and Democrat to help those voters.  This has not been addressed yet how we’re going to handle those.  The Travel Board does not start until mid-April.  I think they’re probably holding off to see what happens in the next couple of weeks.”

VanDeMark said that information is constantly changing, but she will keep all notified as it becomes available.

The Marshall County Election Board approved the plan as presented.