Marshall County Commissioners Adopt Resolutions Pertaining to Out-of State Travel, COVID-19 Diagnosis

The Marshall County Commissioners approved resolutions on Monday, March 30 that pertain to residents or employees returning to county buildings after being diagnosed with COVID-19 or have traveled outside of the state.

One resolution passed by the commissioners on Monday recommends that all Marshall County residents returning from out-of-state travel to self-quarantine for 14 days.  Employees returning from out-of-state travel will receive the 14-day paid sick-leave benefit as a result of this requirement.   

The second resolution orders any employee or person having been diagnosed with COVID-19 “shall obtain a doctor’s release before returning to work and/or to any county facility.” 

The commissioners are following the CDC’s direction in putting in the resolution that employees not tested for COVID-19 may return to work after showing no fever for at least 72 hours without the aid of medication, other symptoms have improved, and the passage of seven days since symptoms first appeared.  Employees tested for COVID-19 must have had no fever for at least 72 hours without the aid of medication, other symptoms have improved, and must have a doctor’s release. 

The requirement of the doctor’s note is of any person doing in-person business in any county facility who tested positive for COVID-19.