John Glenn Administrators in Contact with Health Departments Concerning Coronavirus

Administrators at the John Glenn School Corporation are in constant contact with the St. Joseph County Health Department and the Marshall County Health Department concerning the coronavirus.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell told MAX 98.3 FM News that they are very mindful of the health of students and staff members on a daily basis.  He commented that the corporation has been fortunate in the fact that illness has not forced a school closure, with the absenteeism rate at less than 10 percent.  The Indiana Department of Education recommends a school closure when there is an absenteeism rate at 20 percent.

Winchell stressed that the school corporation will remain in session unless otherwise directed by the State or local Health Department. It will be then when Winchell said immediate action will be taken for safety.  They are currently taking proactive measures by cleaning and urging students to wash their hands.

Information on flu-related illness, “how sick is too sick”, and flu prevention tips are available on the front page of the John Glenn School Corporation’s website under Superintendent’s Corner.