Bourbon Town Council Limits Public Access to Town Offices

The Bourbon Town Council members met in emergency session Thursday night to pass a resolution that closes the Clerk-Treasurer’s office to the public.  Any business needs may be done by phone, email, U.S mail, or internet.  The drop box outside of the office can be used to pay utility bills. 

The resolution also states that reservations to the Matchette Center and Park Pavilion will be suspended until further notice.  Open air areas are not affected by the resolution, except for the CDC’s recommendation that gatherings include 10 people or less. 

All Bourbon town employees are encouraged to exercise action in daily duties and immediately report a suspected COVID-19 contact or symptoms to supervisors on the job site or off the job site. 

All official out-of-state travel for town employees is suspended until further notice. 

The Town of Bourbon will follow all recommendations of the CDC and State Department of Health regarding public meetings and gatherings. 

The Bourbon Town Council members reserve the right to modify the resolution in the future.